Page Navigation Links to Places: *EBInfinite * *Earthbound IPM Home Page Earthbound Section Mother 3 section (Eathbound 64/GC) Tips/other thingies Forums (not yet) | Earthbound Zero is an RPG. An RPG made for the Nintendo Entertainment System (or Famicom as it would be reffered to elsewhere besides the U.S). But this was no ordinary RPG. The classic RPG of the 1980's was something that involved knights and armor and dragon slaying, all this other stuff that made RPG's look midevil. Earthbound Zero changed that. Replacing things such as rupees and castles came things like drugstores and crime filled cities that have names that sound like "L.A" (Ellay). The story line starts out with a boy named Ninten (about 14 yrs. old), he wakes up when a poltergist or something is destroying his house. From there on out, Ninten is on a mission to find out about his family's past and discover the powers that he holds true to his own. On this incredible adventure, Ninten meets up with his destin friends that help him out where it's definatly needed. When the crews all here, it's Ninten, Ana, Lloyd, and Teddy that are saving the world from the evil figure known only as Giegue. Not here, not from me. It's illegal for me to give ROMS out, I'm not going to take my chances of getting caught by NOA and getting my site shut down. But I can almost guarntee that if you really want this ROM, just type "EarthBound Zero (or 0) ROM" in to Google and you'll probably get something. Sure, click here |