Mother 3
The Last One


Okay, I might have to wing some of this, I don't know this game well, as it was never released...
Mother 3 was intended to be the third game in the series, had it been released. The game was in production for four years, constantly in limbo. The main reason somewhat as to why it wasn't released is because the graphics were so bad that they scared people, that usually happens when you take a bunch of Super Nintendo designers and make them produce an N64 game. Another large reason for the cancellation was the fact that as the fourth year was comming to a close, Nintendo's "Project Dolphin" was initiated, the dolphin turned out to be the Gamecube, and producing an N64 game in the Gamecube era made little sence.
But a number of things are already done on this game, including the storyline. So, here is what little I know about Mother 3: Unlike the first two, Mother 3 has a totally redisgned set of charchters, not to mention, the main charchters aren't named after the system (Ness=snes rearranged and Ninten=Nintendo). The main charchter is named Flint, an unshaved cowboy living in a hick town with twin sons named "Ryuka" and "Krause" (in quotes because the names are originally Japanese). As far as I know, these guys go off to battle an enemy who is a pig, or something like that. Their goal is to defeat "The Pigs", I really have little info, as I'm going off a little translated information and a few pics (see the Random page) to get what I got now. Sadly, theres very little I can say about this game. All I can really do is offer you more info on the cancellation, which can be found on the homepage at . On the home page under Mother 3 Cancellation Discussion.
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