The Game That Started it All


This RPG was revolutionary for it's time (the late 80's). It showed an RPG world that few had seen before, breaking free from the normal theme of RPGs (think Zelda).
Mother was based on a boy in a rural town called "Podunk" which was falling under attack by freaked out farmers and stray animals. His name is Ninten, and he leads an adventure with melodies, mirages, enemies, teamwork and friendship to give a complete game style.
Ninten, Ana, Loyd, and Teddy are off. Off to find a way to save earth from the clutches of evil that are endangering the world.
This was the first of the series, and despite the fact that it has some strange entries, it's not as crazy as it's desendant: Mother 2.
This RPG has features that make it really cool, like PK powers. PK powers are actually "Physcokinetic" attacks, meaning basicly "One in a million really overdeveloped minds come together to save earth" kinda thing.
Ninten and Ana get most of thier attacks through battles, and unlike Mother two, they don't come from Magicant (see pic to right). Teddy and Loyd are the rejected ones, with no PK powers, but other cool things to help them out. I:E Teddy's Katana, or Loyd's Plasma Ray.

Strange game-type glitches. Among other things...

< ATM Machine n' Telephone- Unlike Mother 2, you don't actually have to call your dad to get any cash from the machine, it's already there. But when you call him after taking cash out he might be like "I deposited $500 in to your bank account. You now have $450 in your account" In Mother two it's something like: "I deposited $500 in to your account, taking away what you've spent, the balance is $450".


While it hasn't happened yet, eventually there may be a Mother Hack or two availible from me. The reason they aren't around now is because there isn't very much of a wide selection for equipment (software) that can do so.

From here, you can go:

Home Page
Mother 2 Page (Earthbound)
Mother 3 Page (Earthbound 64/GC)
Random Screenshots Page
Fanfics Mirror

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